

We are passionate about what we do:
sell online without owning any stock and achieve financial freedom.
Get to know the hustlers!

Miguel Pieras

Founder & CEO

If Miguel was an animal he would be a tarsier.
Describe him with emojis: 🥽🤦‍♂️🤑
Choose a superpower: Read minds




Joana Llull


If Joana was an animal she would be a quokka.
Describe her with emojis: 🌪⛵️💡
Choose a superpower: Travel in time




Joe Cale


If Joe was an animal he would be a polar bear.
Describe him with emojis: 👽🍺🎧
Choose a superpower: To be invisible




Ana Bravo


If Ana was an animal she would be a dolphin.
Describe her with emojis: 🍫🥤✈️
Choose a superpower: Teleportation


Carlos Mena

Software developer

If Carlos was an animal he would be a serval.
Describe him with emojis: 🧞‍♂️🤡🕹
Choose a superpower: Telekinesis



Jaume Solivellas

Software developer

If Jaume was an animal he would be a squirrel..
Describe him with emojis: 🤬🤣🙃
Choose a superpower: Teleportation


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Don't worry, read our guide on how to start your Dropshipping business in 6 simple steps and we are sure you will be more than ready to go!